Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
K.Araki, H.Seko, H.Ishimoto, T.Tajiri, K.Yoshimoto, M.Matsumoto, T.Takeda, Y.Kawano, K.Suzuki, K.Nakayama | Development of ground-based microwave radiometer network and monitoring system using 1-dimentional variational technique | Japan | 1-03 |
D. Dutta, A. Routray, J.P. George, V.S. Prasad | Assimilation of Indian DWR Radial Velocity in Regional NCUM-R Model | India | 1-05 |
K.B.R.R. Hari Prasad, A. Routray, S. Dutta, G. M. Mohan, V.S Prasad | Implementation of WRF based High Resolution Rapid Refresh system over East Indian Region | India | 1-07 |
K.Nonaka | Operational use of Dual-Metop AMVs at high latitudes in JMA’s global NWP system | Japan | 1-09 |
J. Purser, M. Rancic, M. Pondeca | Inserting Intermediate Generations in a Multigrid Beta Filter using Offset Diagonal Grids and Characterizing the Analysis Error | US | 1-11 |
M. Rancic, J. Purser, M. Pondeca, T. Lei, S. Yokota | Calibration of the Multigrid Beta Filter for Application in GSI and JEDI | US | 1-13 |
S.I. Rani, V. S. Prasad, J.P. George | Satellite Microwave instruments in the low earth inclined orbits for NWP: Contribution from India | India | 1-15 |
A. Routray, D.Dutta, J.P. George, V.S. Prasad | High Resolution Rapid Refresh Data Assimilation System at NCMRWF (India) for Convection Permitting Models | India | 1-17 |
A.Routray, A.Lodh, D. Dutta, J.P. George | Soil Moisture Assimilation for Regional NCUM-R Model and its Benefits | India | 1-19 |
H.Seko, Y.Ikuta, H.Ishimoto, K.Araki, T.Sakai, K,Yoshimoto, T.Nakamura, S.Shimizu | Data Assimilation Experiments of Ground-based Microwave Radiometer and small UAV by using Meso-NAPEX | Japan | 1-21 |
H.Shimizu | Operational use of hyper spectral infrared sounder radiance data in JMA’s meso-scale NWP system | Japan | 1-23 |
R.Toguchi, T.Iriguchi | Operational Use of Surface Humidity Observations in JMA's Mesoscale NWP Systems | Japan | 1-25 |
X. Wu, K. Wu, V. Tallapragada, F.M. Ralph | The Impact of Dropsonde Data on GFS Forecasts from 2022-2023 Atmospheric River Reconnaissance | US | 1-27 |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
I.V. Chernykh | Spatiotemporal structure of the first- and second-order trends in air temperature in the 0-30-km atmospheric layer for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres from radiosonde data | Russia | 2-03 |
I.Gorlach, A.Shishov | Deep convection and intense precipitation detection using geostationary weather satellite data: a case study of air-mass and concealed frontal convection | Russia | 2-05 |
K.N. Kumar, S. Kaur, S. Singh, M.S. Thota, R. Ashrit, A. K. Mitra ,V. S. Prasad | Statistical Bias Correction of NCMRWF Unified Model Precipitation Forecasts Based on Quantile Mapping Methods | India | 2-07 |
B.K. Mahala, B.K. Nayak, P.K. Mohanty | Tropical cyclone activity in the Bay of Bengal during ENSO-IOD events | India | 2-09 |
S. K. Mandke | Large-scale features of active and break phases during Indian summer monsoon 2022 | India | 2-11 |
S. K. Mandke | The association of West Pacific subtropical high variability with the Indian summer monsoon 2022 | India | 2-13 |
I.I.Mokhov, N.N. Medvedev | Amplitude-frequency characteristics of Equatorial Atlantic Mode variations from long-term observations | Russia | 2-15 |
I.I. Mokhov, A.O. Nyrov | Coherence of the Antarctic ice core data from the Vostok station and EPICA | Russia | 2-17 |
I.I.Mokhov, A.V. Timazhev | Frequency of winter atmospheric blockings in the Northern Hemisphere in different phases of El Nino, AMO and PDO | Russia | 2-19 |
A. Prabhu, S. K. Mandke, G. Pandithurai | Low-level Cloud trends and its relationship with Indian Summer Monsoon | India | 2-21 |
A. Prabhu, G. Pandithurai | Evolution of wind patterns over the tropical summer monsoon region influenced by wintertime southern annular mode in the recent decades | India | 2-23 |
V.S. Prasad, U.Saha | Study of Extreme Weather Events over India using NCMRWF Global Reanalysis | India | 2-25 |
S. I. Rani, J. P. George | IMDAA high resolution regional reanalysis for the Indian monsoon region | India | 2-27 |
M.S.Thota, R. Ashrit, K. N. Kumar, A.J. Kumar, S. Mohandas, V. S. Prasad | Representation of moist processes in NCUM operational forecasts during boreal summer monsoon over India | India | 2-29 |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
Z.N. Begum | Numerical Atmospheric Model Findings relevant to Solar Terrestrial Energy System and Global Climate | India | 4-03 |
B.K. Mahala, K.L. Xalxo, P.K. Mohanty, A.Routray, S.K. Misra | Performance Assessment of WRF Parameterization Schemes on Simulation of Tropical Cyclone | India | 4-05 |
R. Sun, F. Yang, S.Y. Hong, J.W. Bao, J. Han, E. Aligo, A. Cheng, G. Thompson, J. Dong, Q. Liu | Thompson Microphysics Updates in the Unified Forecast System | US | 4-07 |
W. Wang, B. Liu, Z. Zhang | Further Improving Intensity Forecast of Tropical Cyclones in the NCEP Operational HAFS Model | US | 4-09 |
K.L.Xalxo, B.K. Mahala,P.K. Mohanty, A.Routray, B.B. Mishra | Evaluation of Radiation Parameterization Schemes on Simulation of Tropical Cyclone | India | 4-11 |
Y.Yamasaki, H.Kusabiraki | Improving the representation of topographic effects in JMA's regional NWP model | Japan | 4-13 |
W. Zheng, J. Han, M. Barlage, F. Yang, H. Wei | Case Study of Low Convective Available Potential Energy Bias in the United Forecast System | US | 4-15 |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
A Mamgain | Global and Regional EPSs in simulating extremely severe tropical cyclonic storm FANI in a unified modeling framework | India | 6-03 |
T.Kanehama, H.Yonehara, M.Ujiie | The impact of a high-accuracy high-resolution digital elevation model on numerical weather predictions | Japan | 6-05 |
S.Kumar,A.G. Prajeesh , R. Phani, K. Roy, M.Ganai, T. Goswami, P. Mukhopadhyay | Development of a High-Resolution Global Forecast System Model with a Triangular Cubic Octahedral Grid | India | 6-07 |
I.I. Mokhov | Predictability of climatе anomalies in the North Eurasian regions during the spring-summer months in relation to El Niño: A case study for 2023 | Russia | 6-09 |
Y. Ota, J. Chiba, Y. Ichikawa, H. Oashi, T. Takakura, H. Yamaguchi | Upgrade of JMA's Global Ensemble Prediction System | Japan | 6-11 |
H.Yamaguchi, J.Chiba, Y.Ichikawa, T.Takakura | Hindcast verification of JMA's GEPS for one-month prediction with a globally expanded two-tiered sea surface temperature approach | Japan | 6-13 |
H.Yonehara, Y.Kuroki, M.Ujiie, C.Matsukawa, T.Kanehama, R.Nagasawa, K.Ochi, M.Higuchi, Y.Ichikawa, R.Sekiguchi, S.Hirahara | Upgrade of JMA’s Operational Global Numerical Weather Prediction System | Japan | 6-15 |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
B.Casati, C.Lussana, A.Crespi | Scale-separation diagnostics and the Symmetric Bounded Efficiency for the inter-comparison of gridded products with different spatial resolutions | Canada | 10-03 |
T. Hertneky, T. Jensen, and M. Erickson | Methods for Evaluating High Impact Hydrometeorological Features using METplus | USA | 10-05 |
T. Jensen, J. Opatz, C. Kalb, D. Adriaansen, K. Newman, M. Harrold, M. Biswas, T. Hertneky, W. Mayfield, W. Li, B. Nelson, J. Vigh, M. Smith, J. English, L. Nance, B. Brown, M. Ek | METplus Verification and Diagnostics Framework for Model Evaluation Across Scales | USA | 10-07 |
C. Kalb, D. Miller, M. Gehne, Z. Wang, M. Win-Gildenmeister, G. McCabe, H. Fisher, T. Jensen, W. Li | Advances in METplus Verification for Subseasonal to Seasonal Model Evaluation | USA | 10-09 |
A.Kirsanov, A.Bundel, M.Tarasova, E.Astakhova, J.Shuvalova | Using METplus for verification of COSMO-Ru/ICON modelling system | Russia | 10-11 |