Building a Weather-Ready Nation
Louis W. Uccellini
National Centers for Environmental Prediction: Building a Weather-Ready Nation
William M. Lapenta
Comments on the History of the Working Group on Numerical Experimentation
W. Lawrence Gates
Commission for Atmospheric Science
Paolo Ruti
World Weather Research Programme (WWRP)
Paolo Ruti
WCRP Matters and Implications for WGNE
Michel Rixen
Global Atmosphere Watch – Opportunities for Fostering Enhanced Collaborations with WWRP/WCRP/WGNE
Greg Carmichael
World Weather Open Science Conference (WWOSC)
Paolo Ruti
WGRC Expert Meeting on Climate Information Distillation, Santander 2014
Some notes from the meeting and its relevance to WGNE
François Engelbrecht
Symposium on Coupled Chemistry — Meteorology/Climate Modelling
Status and Relevance for Numerical Weather Prediction, Air Quality and Climate Research
(WMO Headquarters, Geneva, 23-25 February 2015)
Saulo Freitas
Predictability, Dynamics and Ensemble Forecasting (PDEF)Working Group
Craig Bishop
SPARC Report and WGNE Role
Quentin Errera
Data Assimilation and Observing Systems Working Group Report
Tom Hamill, Carla Cardinali and other members
Current Issues and Challenges in Ensemble Forecasting
Carolyn Reynolds, Junichi Ishida
Recent Activities related to EPS (operational aspects)
Junichi Ishida and Carolyn Reynolds
Recent Developments in Numerical Methods — with a report from the «PDEs on the sphere», April 2014, Boulder
Michael Baldauf
Update of CPTEC activities: 2014-2015
Saulo R. Freitas
Centre report: Recent changes to and plans for the NWP suites of Environment Canada
Ayrton Zadra
Center Report — JMA 2015
Junichi Ishida and colleagues at JMA
DWD report
Michael Baldauf, Günther Zängl, Michael Buchhold, Roland Potthast
The NOAA Operational Numerical Guidance System
Michael Ek
Météo-France report
François Bouyssel
CMA report
Jian Sun
Forecasting systems in Russia: current status and development
E. Astakhova
Recent Developments in Navy NWP
Carolyn Reynolds, Nancy Baker, James Doyle, Douglas Westphal, Liang Xu, Melinda Peng
NCAR (CESM) Center Report
Richard Neale, Bette Otto-Bliesner, Cecile Hannay, Sungsu Park, Andrew Gettelman, Peter Lauritzen, Vincent Larson, Kevin Reed
NWP and Seasonal Forecasting at the Bureau of Meteorology
Oscar Alves
Met Office centre report
Keith Williams
Development of the Atmospheric Component of the Next Generation GFDL Climate Model
Ming Zhao, Chris Golaz, Isaac Held and the entire GFDL Model Development Team (MDT)
Working Group on Nowcasting Mesoscale Research WGNE Meeting
Paul Joe, Jeanette Onvlee-Hooimeijer
Recent developments in high-resolution NWP
Michael Baldauf
WWRP Polar Prediction Project (2013-2022)
Thomas Jung
WGNE report: recent developments in physical parametrizations
François Bouyssel and Ayrton Zadra
Recent developments in physical parameterizations
Systematic Errors Discussion
Keith Williams
Navy Sponsored Research Contributing to the U.S. National Earth System Prediction Capability (ESPC) Partnership
Daniel Eleuterio, Melinda Peng, Gregg Jacobs, James Richman, Tim Whitcomb and Carolyn Reynolds
The NCEP Production Suite — Science presentation
Hendrik L. Tolman
GODAE OceanView and its Coupled Prediction Task Team
Hal Ritchie
WGNE MJO Task Force: Current Activities and Next Steps
Jon Gottschalck on behalf of the WGNE MJO Task Force
Evaluating aerosols impacts on Numerical Weather Prediction: 3rd report
Saulo Freitas
ECMWF Status Report 2015
Jean Noël Thépaut
Center Report from KMA — Forecasting System Operation & Research
Dong-Joon Kim
Drag project report
Ayrton Zadra
Drag project: part 2
Contributions from SPARC, QBOi, ISSI
World Weather Research Program: High Impact Weather
Paolo Ruti, Brian Golding
Verification scores including polar verification
Jean Noël Thépaut
WWRP/WGNE Joint Working Group on Forecast Verification Research
Marion Mittermaier, Laurie Wilson
WGNE Intercomparison of Tropical Cyclone Track Forecast, 2013
Yoichiro Ota, Takahiro Ito, Akira Shimokobe and Munehiko Yamaguchi
Precipitation Verification
Contributions from: CMA, DWD, ECMWF, JMA, MF, NCEP, RHMC, UKMO
An update on CMIP and the WGCM/WGNE Metrics Panel
Peter J. Gleckler
GASS: Report to WGNE – including grey-zone project update
Jon Petch and Steve Klein
GEWEX Global Land Atmosphere System Study (GLASS): Update at WGNE-30
Michael Ek, Aaron Boone, GLASS panel members and other GEWEX collaborators
The Sub-seasonal to Seasonal (S2S) Prediction Project “Bridging the gap between weather and climate”
Frédéric Vitart, Andrew Robertson
Selected Activities Overseen by the WDAC
M. Bosilovich, O. Brown, V. Eyring, R. Ferraro, P. Gleckler, R. Joseph, J. PoQer, M. Rixen, J‐N. Thepaut, D. Waliser
Rein Haarsma, M. Roberts
HighResMIP: Questions and possible lessons from CAM 25 km
C. Hannay, J. Truesdale, N. Rosenbloom, S. Bates, P. Lawrence, K. Reed, M. Wehner
K. Williams, S. Klein, D. Williamson, C. Jakob and C. Senior
WCRP Working Group on Seasonal to Interannual Prediction
Adam Scaife & Francisco Doblas-Reyes