Author(s) |
Title |
Country |
Pages |
Peter Bauer, Philippe Lopez, Emmanuel Moreau, Angela Benedetti, Adrian Tompkins and Marta Janiskovà |
Assimilation of precipitation information at ECMWF |
EC |
1-01 |
Massimo Bonavita and Lucio Torrisi |
Variational Data Assimilation At The Italian Air Force Weather Service: A Progress Report |
Italy |
1-03 |
Bernard Chapnik, Gerald Desroziers, F. Rabier and Olivier Talagrand |
Estimation of observation error statistics, using an optimality criterion |
France |
1-05 |
Alexander Cress |
Assimilation of MODIS wind data in the global NWP System of the German Weather Service |
Germany |
1-07 |
Alexander Cress |
Use of dropsonde data in the global data assimilation of the German Weather Service |
Germany |
1-09 |
Antje Dethof |
Assimilation of ozone retrievals from the MIPAS instrument on board ENVISAT at ECMWF |
EC |
1-11 |
Tadashi Fujita |
Revision of the Background Error Covariance in the Global 3D-Var |
Japan |
1-13 |
Masahiro Kazumori, Hiromi Owada and Kozo Okamoto |
Improvements of ATOVS radiance-bias correction scheme at JMA |
Japan |
1-15 |
Ekaterina Klimova |
Adaptive algorithm of the suboptimal Kalman filter |
Russia |
1-17 |
Leiming Ma, Yihong Duan, Xudong Liang and Dongliang Wang |
Four-dimensional Variational Data Assimilation of TRMM Data in Tropical Cyclone Prediction |
China |
1-19 |
A.P. McNally, P.D. Watts, J. Smith and R. Engelen |
The assimilation of AIRS radiance data at ECMWF |
EC |
1-21 |
Hiroyuki Murakami and Takayuki Matsumura |
Introduction of Vertical Normal Mode Incremental Initialization for a Hight Resolution Global Model |
Japan |
1-23 |
A.E.Pokhil, A.D.Naumov and M. Zaychenko |
The study of the influence of the tropical cyclones initialization on the forecast of trajectories using the ETA model |
Russia |
1-25 |
Yoshiaki Sato, Yoshiaki Takeuchi and Toshiharu Tauchi |
Use of TMI and SSM/I Data In The JMA Operational Meso Analysis |
Japan |
1-27 |
Hiromu Seko, Tadashi Tsuyuki and Takemasa Miyoshi |
Impacts of Radial Wind measured by Doppler radar and GPS-derived Water Vapor on Numerical Prediction of Precipitation |
Japan |
1-29 |
Toshiki Shimbori and Ko Koizumi |
Operational Implementation of the JMA Regional Four-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation System |
Japan |
1-31 |
Simona Stefanescu and Loik Berre |
Ensemble Dispersion Spectra and the Estimation of Error Statistics for a Limited Area Model Analysis |
Romania |
1-33 |
Toshiharu Tauchi, Yoshiaki Takeuchi and Yoshiaki Sato |
Assimilation of SSM/I and TMI Total Column Precipitable Water Data into the JMA Global 3D-Var Assimilation System |
Japan |
1-35 |
Dongliang Wang, Xudong Liang and Yihong Duan |
Impact of GMS-5 Cloud-drift Winds on the Track Prediction of Tropical Cyclones |
China |
1-37 |
Author(s) |
Title |
Country |
Maxim M. Arzhanov, Oleg A. Anisimov, P. F. Demchenko, A. V. Eliseev and Igor I. Mokhov |
Permafrost models intercomparison |
Russia |
L. V. Berkovich, Yu. V. Tkacheva and V. A. Shnaydman |
Parameterization scheme for operational prediction of large-scale processes |
Russia |
L. V. Berkovich |
The method of parameterization of convective cloudiness calculations |
Russia |
Mark Bourassa |
A Sea Surface Stress Parameterization Dependent on Directional Sea State |
Yves Delage, Stéphane Bélair, Carole Labadie and Émilie Mallet |
Comparison of surface models CLASS and ISBA over North America |
Canada |
Akihiro Hashimoto , Masataka Murakami, Teruyuki Kato, Chiashi Muroi, Masanori Yoshizaki and Syugo Hayashi |
Improvement of Microphysical Parameterization in a Japan Meteorological Agency Nonhydrostatic Model with a High Resolution and Its Effect on Simulation Result. |
Japan |
Hideaki Kawai |
Impact of a Parameterization for Subtropical Marine Stratocumulus |
Japan |
Vladimir Krasnopolsky, Michael Fox-Rabinovitz and Dmitry V. Chalikov |
Fast and Accurate Approximation of the Long Wave Radiation Parameterization in a GCM Using Neural Networks: Evaluation of Computational Performance and Accuracy of Approximation in the NCAR Single Column Model |
Yukihiro Kumagai |
Implementation of a non-local like PBL scheme in JMANHM |
Japan |
Yukihiro Kumagai |
Improvement of the land surface processes in JMANHM |
Japan |
Dmitrii Mironov and Bodo Ritter |
Testing the new ice model for the global NWP system GME of the German Weather Service |
Germany |
Dmitrii Mironov ,Arkady Terzhevik, Frank Beyrich and Erdmann Heise |
A Lake Model for Use in Numerical Weather Prediction Systems |
Germany |
Shiro Ohmori and Yoshinori Yamada |
Implementation of the Kain-Fritsch Convective Parameterization scheme in the JMAs Non-hydrostatic Model |
Japan |
E.V. Perekhodtseva |
Hydrodynamic And Statistical Model Of Operative Forecast To 36 H Ahead Of Dangerous Summer Wind Including Squalls And Tornadoes In The European Part Of Russia And In Europe |
Russia |
V.A. Shnaydman |
Improved hydrodynamical scheme of the turbulence description |
Laxmi Sushama, René Laprise, Daniel Caya, Marie Larocque and M. Slivitzky |
Variable-lag Channel Flow Routing Algorithm for climate models |
Canada |
Mitsuru Ueno and Akihiko Murata |
Application of steering weight concept to Typhoon Saomai (2000) |
Japan |
Xiaqiong Zhou, Johnny Chan and Chenxi Wang |
The Effect of Convective Parameterization On Tropical Cyclone Motion and Intensity |
China |
Author(s) |
Title |
Country |
Michael Baldauf |
Prognostic Precipitation in the Lokal Modell (LM) of the German Weather Service |
Germany |
Günther Doms and Jochen Förstner |
Development of a NWP System for Very Short-Range Forecasts |
Germany |
Jun Du |
Impact of Model Error and Imperfect Initial Condition Perturbations on Ensemble-based Probabilistic Forecasts: Unpredictable Spots |
Hisaki Eito, Chiashi Muroi, Syugo Hayashi, Teruyuki Kato and Masanori Yoshizaki |
A High-Resolution Wide-Range Numerical Simulation of Cloud Bands Associated With The Japan Sea Polar-Air Mass Convergence Zone in Winter Using a Non-Hydrostatic Model on the Earth Simulator |
Japan |
William Gallus and Isidora Jankov |
Simulations of warm season MCS rainfall using mixed physics in the Eta and WRF models |
Thomas Haiden |
NWP research in Austria |
Austria |
Dale Hess, Manuela Burgers, Piyaratne Dewundege and Michael Johnson |
The Australian Air Quality Forecasting System |
Australia |
Stjepan Ivatek-Sahdan and Martina Tudor |
Use of high-resolution dynamical adaptation for the extreme wind estimate |
Croatia |
Svetlana Jagovkina, Igor Karol, V. A. Zubov, Victor Lagun, Alexander Reshetnikov, Nina Paramonova, Viacheslav Privalov, Anatoly Poberovsky and Maria Makarova |
Application of 3D regional transport model for study of methane formation mechanisms over large industrial area (Saint Petersburg) |
Russia |
Fanyou Kong and Kelvin Droegemeier |
Ensemble Forecasts of Tornadic Thunderstorms |
Fedor Mesinger and Lazar Lazic |
Water Vapor Sources and Sinks, and Hydrometeor Loading in the ETA Model |
Serbia |
A. Montani, D. Cesari, C. Marsigli, F. Nerozzi, T. Paccagnella and S. Tibaldi |
Operational implementation of regional ensemble forecasts |
Italy |
Kazuo Saito |
Direct evaluation of the buoyancy and consideration of moisture diffusion in the continuity equation in the JMA Nonhydrostatic Model |
Japan |
Ryota Sakai and Takuya Hosomi |
A change to the physical process of JMA Typhoon Model |
Japan |
Bent H. Sass and Claus Petersen |
An atmospheric model prediction system for very short range forecasts |
Denmark |
Author(s) |
Title |
Country |
Soline Bielli and René Laprise |
Scale Decomposition of the Water Budget in a Regional Climate Model |
Canada |
K. C. Chow and Johnny Chan |
Effect of Surface Heating over Indochina on the Summer Monsoon over South China |
China |
Michel Deque, Florence Sevault and Samuel Somot |
Mediterranean convection and climate change |
France |
Ralf Döscher and H.E. Markus Meier |
Baltic Sea Climate Scenarios for Sea Surface Temperature and Ice |
Sweden |
Alexey V. Eliseev, Dmitry V. Khvorostyanov, I. I. Mokhov and E.V. Sigaeva |
Limit cycles of the delayed action oscillator model for ENSO |
Russia |
Thierry Fichefet , Hugues Goosse, E. Driesschaert, C. Poncin and Frank Wolk |
Recent and ongoing climate modeling activities at UCL-ASTR |
Belgium |
Michael Fox-Rabinovitz , Jean Côté, Michel Deque, Bernard Dugas and John McGregor |
International Stretched-Grid Model Intercomparison Project (SGMIP): Initial Results |
Anjari Gupta, P.K. Thapliyal and P. K. Pal |
Simulation of impact of deforestation in African and north-east Indian region on Asian summer monsoon using CCM3 model |
India |
Yanjun Jiao, Daniel Caya and René Laprise |
The surface climatology simulated by the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM) |
Canada |
Teruyuki Kato , Kazuaki Yasunaga, Chiashi Muroi, Masanori Yoshizaki, Sachie Kanada, Akihiro Hashimoto, Yasutaka Wakazuki, Hisaki Eito, Syugo Hayashi and Hidetaka Sasaki |
Regional Climate Prediction by using a Japan Meteorological Agency Nonhydrostatic Model with a High Resolution. Part 1: Outline/Purpose of a High-Resolution Long-Term Prediction |
Japan |
Shoji Kusunoki , Keiichi Matsumaru, Toshiyuki Nakaegawa, Isamu Yagai and Osamu Arakawa |
51-year Simulation of the Period from 1951 to 2001 by the JMA AGCM |
Japan |
Eun-Pa Lim and Ian Simmonds |
Changes in winter cyclone vertical structure with increasing CO2 |
Australia |
Yiming Liu and Johnny Chan |
A Ten-year Climatology of the Summer Monsoon over South China from a Regional Climate Model |
China |
Philippe Lucas-Picher, Daniel Caya and Sébastien Biner |
RCM’s internal variability as function of domain size |
Canada |
R.S. Ajaya Mohan, S. Jagtap, T. E. LaRow, S. Cocke, J.J. O'Brien, Jim Jones and D.W. Shin |
Using Climate Models to generate Crop yield forecasts in Southeast USA |
Igor Mokhov, Vyacheslav Bezverkhny and A. A. Karpenko |
Analysis of time lags between variations of temperature and greenhouse gases atmospheric content at Milankovitch periods from paleoreconstructions |
Russia |
I.I. Mokhov, J.-L. Dufresne, H. Le Treut and V.A. Tikhonov |
Climate Extremes And Net Primary Producion In Eastern Europe: Changes In XIX-XXI Centuries From Model Simulations |
Russia |
I. I. Mokhov and V. Ch. Khon |
Atmospheric Centers of Action in Northern Hemisphere from Observations and Simulations: Interannual Variability and Long-Term Tendencies of Change |
Russia |
Hans von Storch and Frauke Feser |
Spectral nudging in regional climate modelling: Does it induce additional gravity waves? |
Germany |
Richard Wardle |
Using Anticyclonicity to Determine the position of the Southern Hemisphere Westerlies: Implications for the LGM |
Australia |
Katja Woth |
Dynamical downscaling of North Sea storm surges driven by RCM simulations |
Germany |
Kazuaki Yasunaga , Teruyuki Kato, Yasutaka Wakazuki, Hidetaka Sasaki, Chiashi Muroi, Kazuo Kurihara, Yasuo Sato, Masanori Yoshizaki, Sachie Kanada and Akihiro Hashimoto |
Regional Climate Prediction using a Japan Meteorological Agency Nonhydrostatic Model with a High Resolution.Part 2: Performances of the Model with the Spectral Boundary Coupling Method |
Japan |
Author(s) |
Title |
Country |
Sergey Danilov, Gennady Kivman and Jens Schröter |
An eddy-permitting finite-element model for the North Atlantic |
Germany |
A. A. Deo, D. W. Ganer and P.S. Salkevar |
Numerical investigation of ocean mixed layer in response to moving cyclone : Sensitivity to model resolution |
India |
Thierry Fichefet , Hugues Goosse, V. Dulière, R. Timmermann and Martin Vacoppenolle |
Recent and ongoing sea ice modeling activities at UCL-ASTR |
Belgium |
D. W. Ganer, A. A. Deo and P.S. Salkevar |
Characteristics of Tropical Indian Ocean during IOD Events |
India |
Lidia Gaslikova |
Wave simulations for Heligoland |
Germany |
Erik Kvaleberg, Steven L. Morey and James O'Brien |
The Influence of Coriolis on Instability Wavelengths |
H.E.Markus Meier and Frank Kauker |
Response of a two-layer estuary to freshwater inflow and wind: a case study of the Baltic Sea |
Sweden |
Yurii Resnyansky and Alexander Zelenko |
Observed and Simulated Variability of Ocean Currents on Seasonal and Intra-Monthly Scales |
Russia |
Shinya Shimokawa and Hisashi Ozawa |
Thermodynamics of the oceanic general circulation |
Japan |
Arthur Vidard, David Anderson, Magdalena Balmaseda, Tim Stockdale, Alberto Troccoli, Keith Haines, Xiaobing Zhou and Ivan Astin |
Ocean Data Assimilation at ECMWF |
EC |
Peng Yu, Steven Morey and James J. O'Brien |
Development of a reduced space adjoint data assimilation technique for numerical simulation of oceanic circulation |