Online Seminar «The next generation of Earth System Models: climate simulations at storm- and eddy-resolving scales» December 8, 2021 18:30 UTC

III Earth System Numerical Modeling Division (DIMNT/CPTEC/INPE) Online Seminar

Date: 08th of December 2021 15:30-16:30 São Paulo time.

Link to register to the online seminar:

Our speaker is Dr. Daniel Klocke

Title of the presentation: The next generation of Earth System Models: climate simulations at storm- and eddy-resolving scales

Dr. Daniel Klocke holds a PhD in Meteorology with extensive experience with numerical models for weather forecasting and climate research. His work focused on high-resolution simulations and is currently coordinating the international DYAMOND project, which is pioneering global coupled storm and ocean-eddy resolving simulations. Recently he joined the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology as the lead of the computational infrastructure and model development group; is responsible for the coordination of the ICON earth system model development at MPI-M.

Abstract: Climate models with horizontal resolutions of around 100km, as used over the last decades, can not resolve the vertical energy transport, which is dominant mode of energy transport in the tropics. This transport had to be represented with a parameterization of convection. Large biases persisted with each new iteration of climate models, related to the simulated tropical circulations and the associated cloud systems and contributed significantly to the uncertainty in model based climate sensitivity estimates. Now, computers are becoming powerful enough, that these convective processes can be resolved explicitly, which allows to newly address long-standing questions in earth system modeling. The DYAMOND (DYnamics of the Atmospheric general circulation Modeled On Non-hydrostatic Domains) project is the first intercomparison project of a new class of Earth System Models, which explicitly resolve convective storms. Those storm resolving models with horizontal resolutions < 5km simulated a 40 day summer and winter period. Results from this intercomparion are presented, as well as simulations of the full seasonal cycle with fully coupled Earth System Models at storm resolving scales. The presentation will close with an outlook at the exciting journey towards climate integrations with the next generation of Earth System Models.