5th International Conference on Reanalysis (ICR5) -The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 May 2017

ECMWF, WCRP and the Copernicus Climate Change Service are organising the 5th International Conference on Reanalysis over five days, 13-17 November 2017 in Rome, Italy.

ICR5 will provide us the opportunity to review progress and discuss future plans in key areas, including:

  • Status of current production systems
  • Observation rescue activities
  • Developments in observational databases
  • Developments in data assimilation
  • Applications, user requirements and feedback
  • Plans for future reanalyses

The conference will bring together reanalysis producers, observation providers, numerical modellers and the user community to review current reanalysis activities and to discuss user needs for future reanalyses.

Interested contributors are invited to submit an abstract, specifying the topic of the contribution, whether they would prefer an oral or poster presentation, and if they would like to apply to receive travel support.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 May 2017.

For more information see https://climate.copernicus.eu/events/5th-international-conference-reanalysis