1. Zadra, A., K. Williams, A. Frassoni, M. Rixen, A. F. Adames, J. Berner, F. Bouyssel, B. Casati, H. Christensen, M. B. Ek, G. Flato, Y. Huang, F. Judt, H. Lin, E. Maloney, W. Merryfield, A. van Niekerk, T. Rackow, K. Saito, N. Wedi, P. Yadav, 2017:
«Systematic Errors in Weather and Climate Models: Nature, Origins, and Ways Forward»
Early publication online in BAMS. doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0287.1
The paper contains a list of the systematic errors identified and discussed during the 2017 WGNE workshop on systematic errors.