The Upgrade History of the Global Spectral Model is here:
05 Mar 2024 : Assimilation of the ATMS and CrIS data from NOAA-21 was started.
9 May 2023
Assimilation of AMV and CSR from GOES-18 was started. Assimilation of AMV and CSR from Meteosat-10 switching from Meteosat-11 was started.
14 March 2023
JMA upgraded JMA’s Global Spectral Model (GSM) and Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) on 14 March 2023. This upgrade contains the following improvements.
— Increase of the horizontal resolution for GSM
— Incorporation of quadratic grid: from TL959(linear grid, approx. 20km grid spacing) to TQ959 (quadratic grid, approx. 13km grid spacing) with refinement of numerical diffusion in the model and filters for mean orography
— Replacement of the source data set for orographic ancillary files: GTOPO30 to MERIT DEM + RAMP2
—Revision of several physical processes such as non-orographic gravity wave, boundary layer, orographic drag and radiation.
— Improvement of lake surface process
— Revision of the global snow depth analysis
— Assimilation of Suomi-NPP, NOAA-20/VIIRS AMV was started
— Expansion of the two-tiered sea surface temperature method based on prediction using the Seasonal Ensemble Prediction System from tropical and sub-tropical oceans to whole globe ocean for GEPS
The Upgrade History of the Global Spectral Model is at
13 December 2022
Assimilation of AMV and CSR from Himawari-9 was started.
30 June 2022
Assimilation of EUMETSAT Dual-Metop AMV started
15 March 2022
The following changes were introduced to the JMA’s Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS):
— increase in the resolution from TL479L128 (40km) to TQ479L128 (27km)
— revision of parameterization schemes such as orographic drag, cloud radiation and lake surface process
— improvement of SST boundary condition
29 June 2021
— All-sky assimilation of microwave water-vapor sounder from
SAPHIR/Megha-Tropiques, MWHS-2/FY-3C was started.
— Assimilation of AMV and CSR from GOES-17 was started.
— Bias correction method for aircraft-based observations was revised
30 March 2021
JMA’s Global Spectral Model (GSM) and Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS) were improved on 30 March 2021.
The changes were
— Increase of the number of vertical layers from 100 to 128 for GSM and GEPS
— Increase of the number of ensemble members in GEPS from 27 to 51
— Revision of the global snow analysis
— Introduction of the global soil moisture analysis
17 February 2021
The forecast range for the 00 UTC initial in JMA’s Global Spectral Model (GSM) was
extended from 132 to 264 hours. Information on related specifications and real-time product distribution is available at
11 December 2019
- All-sky assimilation of microwave imager (AMSR2/GCOM-W, GMI/GPM, SSMIS/DMSP F-17, F-18, WindSat/Coriolis, MWRI/FY-3C) and microwave water-vapor sounder (GMI/GPM, MHS/NOAA-19, Metop-A, -B) was started.
- Assimilation of ASCAT from Metop-C was started.
- Hybrid background error covariances estimated with LETKF and outer-loop iteration were introduced in 4D-Var system.
9 May 2019
A new report on the outline of the latest operational numerical weather prediction (NWP) system at the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has been published. The report presents technical details of the operational NWP systems of JMA as of June 2018, as an appendix to WMO Technical Progress Report on the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System (GDPFS) and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) Research.
JMA is working forward a further developments to improve the accuracy of NWP models. You will find updated information on the NWP systems of JMA on the JMA’s websites:
— and
5 March 2019:
- The assimilation of the ATMS (Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder) and CrIS (Cross-track Infrared Sounder) data from NOAA-20 into the JMA’s Global NWP system was started at 00UTC on 5 March 2019. The data was also started to be assimilated into the JMA’s Global EPS by the Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter (LETKF) to generate initial perturbations.
- The initial perturbations made by LETKF in the JMA’s Global EPS was upgraded at 00UTC on 5 March 2019 as follows:
— using the 6 hour forecast perturbations from the previous LETKF analysis ensemble
— tuning of the horizontal and vertical localization functions in the LETKF.
18 October 2018:
JMA enhanced the usage of the clear-sky radiance (CSR) data from geostationary satellites (i.e. Himawari-8, Meteosat-8, 11 and GOES-15) in JMA’s global NWP system at 00 UTC on 18 October 2018. In detail, there were two major updates:
(1) JMA began assimilating surface-sensitive CSR data from Himawari-8 Band 9 and 10 and Meteosat-8, 11 Channel 6.
(2) JMA began assimilating hourly CSR data from Meteosat-8, 11 and GOES-15 by stopping thinning data every two hours. (Note: Hourly CSR data from Himawari-8 have been already used since March 2016.)
The amount of CSR data assimilated into the JMA’s global NWP system became about double by these updates.
5 June 2018:
JMA began the operation of a new supercomputer system. See for details