The 2024 Blue Book, by list of authors

01.Development and studies of coupled models and Earth System Models
Author(s)Paper titleCountryPages
S. A. RaoOverestimation of the ENSO-ISMR Relationship in Coupled General Circulation ModelsIndia1-03
Myung-Seo Koo, Eunjeong Lee, Mee-Hyun Cho, Hyeon-Ju Gim, Yong-Jae Han, Junseong Park, Jaeyoung Song, Jin-Yun Jeong, Subim Kim, and Eun-Hee LeeNew Coupled Modeling System based on the Korean Integrated Model (KIM)South Korea1-05
Ankur Srivastava, Suryachandra A. Rao, Subimal GhoshImpact of river freshwater on subseasonal to seasonal variability in a climate modelIndia1-07

02.Global and regional climate models: response to forcing, impact studies, subseasonal and seasonal forecasting
Author(s)Paper titleCountryPages
Hashmi Fatima, M. N. Raghavendra Sreevathsa, Saji Mohandas, V. S. PrasadSoil Moisture analysis during a landslide event over India's Himalayan regionIndia2-03
Naga Lakshmi. K1* , Suneetha. P2Mid-latitude Rossby Wave Interaction on Indian Summer Monsoon Depression DaysIndia2-05
Maheswar Pradhan, Ankur Srivastava, Suryachandra A. RaoSoil Moisture Feedback over Wet vs. Arid Regions of IndiaIndia2-07
A. Revokatova, M. Nikitin, I. Lomakin, G. Rivin, I. RozinkinaImpacts of the modified sea ice edge on the polar lows forecast: case-study using the ICON modelRussia2-09

03.Advances in forecast / NWP models: case studies, predictability, ensembles
Author(s)Paper titleCountryPages
S. Cooper, B. Roux, C. FranklinDevelopment of a Convective-Scale Numerical Weather Prediction Ensemble Encompassing Australia: ACCESS-AEAustralia3-03
E.-H. Lee, R.-S. Park, S. Bae, J.-Y. Han, M.-S. Koo, H. Nam, T.-J. OhResolution Update in the KIM model: Advancing from 12 to 8 km with Associated Refinements in Physics and DynamicsSouth Korea3-05
X. L. Li, X. S. Shen, C. G. Chen, D. Chen, J. Tang, Q. G. Jiang, J. Chen and Q. C. QinA case study by using a global/regional unified MCV nonhydrostatic model中国3-07
Nagalakshmi Katru1*, Sujata K. Mandke1, Susmitha Joseph1Environmental conditions association with genesis of cyclone "Biparjoy"India3-09
Gauri Shanker, Abhijit Sarkar, Ashu Mamgain, Anumeha Dube, R. BhatlaThe Role of Physics Perturbation Schemes in Enhancing the Skill of NEPS-G ForecastsIndia3-11
Abhijith V1,2*, Anumeha Dube1, Raghavendra Ashrit1 and Sunita Verma2,3Evaluation of Medium-Range Maximum Temperature Forecasting Skill over India Using the MoES Grand Ensemble (MGE)India3-14

04.Parameterization of physical processes in Earth System Models or their components
Author(s)Paper titleCountryPages
S. Y. Bae, R.-S. Park, E.-H. Lee, S. Baek, J.-Y. Han, S.-Y. Kim, M.-S. KooImproving scale-awareness of the physics package in Korean Integrated ModelSouth Korea4-03
I.I. MokhovTipping points for permafrost thawing in the Yamal Peninsula region under current global warmingRussia4-05
Ryoji NagasawaThe impact of the cloud overlap and cloud horizontal inhomogeneity assumptions on radiation calculation in JMA global NWP modelJapan4-07
M.Nakagawa, H.Yoshimura, K.MatsubayashiTesting a Cumulus Parameterization Scheme for the Convective Gray Zone in JMA's Global ModelJapan4-09

05.Forecast verification; novel methodologies to diagnose and measure systematic errors
Author(s)Paper titleCountryPages
G. B. Brassington, C. Régnier, M. Drévillon, Jan Maksymczuk, K. A. Peterson, and L. EscalleInnovative Methods for Global Ocean Currents VerificationAustralia5-03
Seonaid Anderson, Steven Cole and Robert MooreCatchment-based climatological rainfall distributions for hydrometeorological verificationUK5-05
L. Wolfgruber, L. Kugler, M. Weissmann, M. Dorninger, S. SerafinThe Fraction Skill Score for Ensemble VerificationAustria5-07
R. Pushpa Saroja , S.Biswas, C.S. DwivediComparative Study of Rainrate Estimation from DWR ReflectivityIndia5-09
Harvir Singh, A. Dube, R.Ashrit, P K Srivastava and VS PrasadImproving Tmax Predictions with Multimodel Machine Learning ApproachesIndia5-11
Harvir Singh1,2, A. Dube1, R.Ashrit1, P K Srivastava2 and VS Prasad1Evaluating Heatwave Forecast Accuracy with NCUM and MODE ToolsIndia5-13
Harvir Singh1,2, A. Dube1, R.Ashrit1, P K Srivastava2 and VS Prasad1Lightning Strikes in India: Analysis of Spatial Displacement and Forecasting ImprovementsIndia5-16

06.Uncoupled and coupled data assimilation for integrated earth system analysis and prediction; methodology and data impact sensitivity studies
Author(s)Paper titleCountryPages
P.S. Bhattacharjee, B. Baker, L. Pan, R. Mountouro, J. McQueenPreliminary Results from NOAA’s UFS Global Aerosol ForecastUS6-03
A. Cheng, F. YangImpact of Updating Aerosol Climatology on GFS ForecastUS6-05
I.I. MokhovGlobal economic losses from natural disasters under climate changes in recent decades (1980-2023)Russia6-07
Y.Nakamura, K.Yoshimoto, K.YamamotoOperational Use of Ground-based Microwave Radiometer Data in JMA’s Regional NWP SystemsJapan6-09
V.N. Stepanov, Yu.D. Resnyanskii, B.S. Strukov and А.А. ZelenkoReproduction of thermohaline fields with the NEMO model assimilating ARGO data and ocean surface temperature using Kalman ensemble filter and 3D-Var methodRussia6-11
X. Wu, K. Wu, V. Tallapragada, F.M. RalphImpact of Dropsonde Data on GFS Forecast Performance: Analysis from the 2023-2024 Atmospheric River ReconnaissanceUS6-13
X. Wu, V. Tallapragada, T. Hutchinson, J. Creus-Costa, D. Kleist, L. Cucurull, X. WangImpact of WindBorne Data on NCEP Operational GFS Tropical Cyclone ForecastsUS6-15

07.Developments in ocean, sea-ice, and wave modeling
Author(s)Paper titleCountryPages

08.Reanalysis datasets and statistical post-processing
Author(s)Paper titleCountryPages
Sujata K. MandkeContrasting Indian summer monsoon rainfall in July and August 2023India8-03
A. Prabhu, G. PandithuraiISCCP observed Mid-level Clouds and its relationship with Indian Summer Monsoon RainfallIndia8-05

09.Numerical/computational techniques and model resolution, physics-dynamics and physics-physics cross-component coupling
Author(s)Paper titleCountryPages
S. A. RaoSouth-West Indian Orography influence on Large-Scale Monsoon Circulation and Synoptic Variability: A Modelling StudyIndia9-03
Tsubasa Kimura, Kengo Matsubayashi, Kohei Aranami and Yuji KitamuraStrong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta method in HE-VI and split-explicit short time step integrationJapan9-05
W. Wang, Y. Weng, C.K. Wang, J. Peng, B. Liu, Z. ZhangAn Idealized Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (I-HAFS)US9-07
K. Wu, M.M. Nageswararao, X. Wu, v. TallapragadaImpact of Convection and Domain Size on Precipitation Forecasts for the U.S. West Coast in the Atmospheric River Analysis and Forecast System (AR-AFS)US9-09

10.Machine learning and AI in weather prediction and climate modeling
Author(s)Paper titleCountryPages
Ashish Alone, Ankur Srivastava, Maheswar PradhanEnhancing Extreme Rainfall Forecasting Through Machine Learning TechniquesIndia10-03
Bouramdane Ayat-AllahEnhancing Weather Prediction and Climate Modeling: A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach to Artificial Intelligence TechniquesMaroc10-05
M.M. Nageswararao, V. TallapragadaSub-seasonal Prediction of Summer Surface Maximum Temperature Extremes over CONUS through a Hybrid Post-Processing TechniqueUS10-07
Lomash Relia1, Kush Shah1, Katru Nagalakshmi2, *Evaluating Deep Learning Models for Cyclone Intensity EstimationIndia10-09