The 2024 Blue Book, by list of authors |
01.Development and studies of coupled models and Earth System Models |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
S. A. Rao | Overestimation of the ENSO-ISMR Relationship in Coupled General Circulation Models | India | 1-03 |
Myung-Seo Koo, Eunjeong Lee, Mee-Hyun Cho, Hyeon-Ju Gim, Yong-Jae Han, Junseong Park, Jaeyoung Song, Jin-Yun Jeong, Subim Kim, and Eun-Hee Lee | New Coupled Modeling System based on the Korean Integrated Model (KIM) | South Korea | 1-05 |
Ankur Srivastava, Suryachandra A. Rao, Subimal Ghosh | Impact of river freshwater on subseasonal to seasonal variability in a climate model | India | 1-07 |
02.Global and regional climate models: response to forcing, impact studies, subseasonal and seasonal forecasting |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
Hashmi Fatima, M. N. Raghavendra Sreevathsa, Saji Mohandas, V. S. Prasad | Soil Moisture analysis during a landslide event over India's Himalayan region | India | 2-03 |
Naga Lakshmi. K1* , Suneetha. P2 | Mid-latitude Rossby Wave Interaction on Indian Summer Monsoon Depression Days | India | 2-05 |
Maheswar Pradhan, Ankur Srivastava, Suryachandra A. Rao | Soil Moisture Feedback over Wet vs. Arid Regions of India | India | 2-07 |
A. Revokatova, M. Nikitin, I. Lomakin, G. Rivin, I. Rozinkina | Impacts of the modified sea ice edge on the polar lows forecast: case-study using the ICON model | Russia | 2-09 |
03.Advances in forecast / NWP models: case studies, predictability, ensembles |
04.Parameterization of physical processes in Earth System Models or their components |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
S. Y. Bae, R.-S. Park, E.-H. Lee, S. Baek, J.-Y. Han, S.-Y. Kim, M.-S. Koo | Improving scale-awareness of the physics package in Korean Integrated Model | South Korea | 4-03 |
I.I. Mokhov | Tipping points for permafrost thawing in the Yamal Peninsula region under current global warming | Russia | 4-05 |
Ryoji Nagasawa | The impact of the cloud overlap and cloud horizontal inhomogeneity assumptions on radiation calculation in JMA global NWP model | Japan | 4-07 |
M.Nakagawa, H.Yoshimura, K.Matsubayashi | Testing a Cumulus Parameterization Scheme for the Convective Gray Zone in JMA's Global Model | Japan | 4-09 |
05.Forecast verification; novel methodologies to diagnose and measure systematic errors |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
G. B. Brassington, C. Régnier, M. Drévillon, Jan Maksymczuk, K. A. Peterson, and L. Escalle | Innovative Methods for Global Ocean Currents Verification | Australia | 5-03 |
Seonaid Anderson, Steven Cole and Robert Moore | Catchment-based climatological rainfall distributions for hydrometeorological verification | UK | 5-05 |
L. Wolfgruber, L. Kugler, M. Weissmann, M. Dorninger, S. Serafin | The Fraction Skill Score for Ensemble Verification | Austria | 5-07 |
R. Pushpa Saroja , S.Biswas, C.S. Dwivedi | Comparative Study of Rainrate Estimation from DWR Reflectivity | India | 5-09 |
Harvir Singh, A. Dube, R.Ashrit, P K Srivastava and VS Prasad | Improving Tmax Predictions with Multimodel Machine Learning Approaches | India | 5-11 |
Harvir Singh1,2, A. Dube1, R.Ashrit1, P K Srivastava2 and VS Prasad1 | Evaluating Heatwave Forecast Accuracy with NCUM and MODE Tools | India | 5-13 |
Harvir Singh1,2, A. Dube1, R.Ashrit1, P K Srivastava2 and VS Prasad1 | Lightning Strikes in India: Analysis of Spatial Displacement and Forecasting Improvements | India | 5-16 |
06.Uncoupled and coupled data assimilation for integrated earth system analysis and prediction; methodology and data impact sensitivity studies |
07.Developments in ocean, sea-ice, and wave modeling |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
08.Reanalysis datasets and statistical post-processing |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
Sujata K. Mandke | Contrasting Indian summer monsoon rainfall in July and August 2023 | India | 8-03 |
A. Prabhu, G. Pandithurai | ISCCP observed Mid-level Clouds and its relationship with Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall | India | 8-05 |
09.Numerical/computational techniques and model resolution, physics-dynamics and physics-physics cross-component coupling |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
S. A. Rao | South-West Indian Orography influence on Large-Scale Monsoon Circulation and Synoptic Variability: A Modelling Study | India | 9-03 |
Tsubasa Kimura, Kengo Matsubayashi, Kohei Aranami and Yuji Kitamura | Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta method in HE-VI and split-explicit short time step integration | Japan | 9-05 |
W. Wang, Y. Weng, C.K. Wang, J. Peng, B. Liu, Z. Zhang | An Idealized Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (I-HAFS) | US | 9-07 |
K. Wu, M.M. Nageswararao, X. Wu, v. Tallapragada | Impact of Convection and Domain Size on Precipitation Forecasts for the U.S. West Coast in the Atmospheric River Analysis and Forecast System (AR-AFS) | US | 9-09 |
10.Machine learning and AI in weather prediction and climate modeling |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
Ashish Alone, Ankur Srivastava, Maheswar Pradhan | Enhancing Extreme Rainfall Forecasting Through Machine Learning Techniques | India | 10-03 |
Bouramdane Ayat-Allah | Enhancing Weather Prediction and Climate Modeling: A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach to Artificial Intelligence Techniques | Maroc | 10-05 |
M.M. Nageswararao, V. Tallapragada | Sub-seasonal Prediction of Summer Surface Maximum Temperature Extremes over CONUS through a Hybrid Post-Processing Technique | US | 10-07 |
Lomash Relia1, Kush Shah1, Katru Nagalakshmi2, * | Evaluating Deep Learning Models for Cyclone Intensity Estimation | India | 10-09 |