Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
C.F.Bastarz, L.F.Sapucci, J.G.Z.Mattos | A background error covariance matrix for the CPTEC data assimilation system | Brazil | 1-03 |
C.F.Bastarz, D.L.Herdies, L.F.Sapucci | GSI-based hybrid 3DVAR data assimilation for the BAM-CPTEC/INPE | Brazil | 1-05 |
T.-C. Chen, E. Kalnay | Cycling Proactive Quality Control in GFS model | USA | 1-07 |
T.-C. Chen, E. Kalnay | Proactive Quality Control in Lorenz (1996) model | USA | 1-09 |
J.G.Z de Mattos, A. Frassoni, L. G. G. de Gon | Land Data Assimilation at CPTEC/INPE Atmospheric Global Circulation Model | Brazil | 1-11 |
D.Gayfulin, M.Tsyrulnikov, A.Uspensky | Evaluation and Correction of Observations in Atmospheric Channels of the Satellite Microwave Radiometer MTVZA-GY | Russia | 1-13 |
V.A.Gordin | About inertia of measurement devices | Russia | 1-15 |
D.Groff, K.Ide, Y.Zhu, R.Mahajan, D.Kleist, A.Collard, J.Derber | Ensemble-based Observation Impact Development at EMC | US | 1-17 |
H.Owada, Y.Hirahara and M.Moriya | Recent updates on the usage of GNSS RO data in JMA | Japan | 1-19 |
H. Seko, K. Koizumi, T. Yoshihara, A. Senoguchi and T. Koga | Data assimilation experiments of SSR mode-s downlink data using Meso-NAPEX system of JMA | Japan | 1-21 |
K.Shimoji, I.Okabe, M.Kazumori | Operational use of Meteosat-11 Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) and Clear-Sky Radiance (CSR) Data in JMA's Global NWP System | Japan | 1-23 |
H.R.Winterbottom, J.Sippel, A.Mehra, V.Tallapragada | An Algorithm for the Use of Tropical Cyclone GPS Dropsondes within Operational Numerical Weather Prediction Systems | US | 1-25 |
K. Yamashita | Preliminary assessment and assimilation of Himawari-8 Rapid Scan Atmospheric Motion Vector data for typhoons | Japan | 1-27 |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
M.G. Akperov, I.I. Mokhov, M.A. Dembitskaya | Cyclone and anticyclone activity over the Lake Baikal basin | Russia | 2-03 |
O. A. Aldukhov and I. V. Chernykh | Trends of wind speed in low troposphere from radiosonde data of Russian Arctic stations | Russia | 2-05 |
A.Chernokulsky, F.Kozlov | Precipitation type redistribution toward convective rainfall increase over Northern Eurasia in 1965-2017 | Russia | 2-07 |
I.V. Chernykh and O.A. Aldukhov | Trends in Frequency of Overcast Clouds over Arctic Region of Russia | Russia | 2-09 |
N. Earl, I. Simmonds | Trends in global fire occurrence and the role of large-scale atmospheric drivers | Australia | 2-11 |
I.I. Mokhov, A.V. Timazhev | Atmospheric blockings in the Northern Hemisphere: Effects of El Niño and Pacific Decadal Oscillation | Russian Federation | 2-13 |
I.I. Mokhov, A.V. Timazhev | Atmospheric blockings: Relative frequency of different types | Russian Federation | 2-15 |
I.I. Mokhov, M.R. Parfenova | Relationship between the Caspian Sea level and the Arctic sea ice extent | Russia | 2-17 |
I.I. Mokhov, M.R. Parfenova | Link of the Barents Sea ice extent with El-Nino phenomena | Russia | 2-19 |
I.I. Mokhov, A.V. Timazhev, V.P. Yushkov | Squalls with a hurricane wind in Moscow | Russian Federation | 2-21 |
M.R. Parfenova, I.I. Mokhov | Regional intraseasonal anomalies in transitional seasons in Northern Eurasia | Russia | 2-23 |
S.Paturi, I.Rivin, Z.Garraffo, J.Cummings, H.C.Kim, Y.Hao, A.Mehra | Evaluation of Quality Control Methods and their influence on HYCOM model Background | US | 2-25 |
A.E. Pokhil | Evolution and tracks of tropical cyclones in 2016 in the Pacific Ocean | Russia | 2-27 |
I. Simmonds, D. Thorn | Sectorial variations in the Antarctic circumpolar trough and inferences for the Ekman transport of sea ice | Australia | 2-29 |
M. Zhang, H. von Storch | Distribution features of travelling eddies in the South China Sea | Germany | 2-31 |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
S.Abarca, L.Zhu, A.Mehra, V.Tallapragada | Secondary eyewalls in HWRF and HMON | US | 5-03 |
A. Hashimoto, M. Niwano, S. Yamaguchi, T. Yamasaki, T. Aoki | Numerical simulation of lee-side downslope winds near Siorapaluk in northwest Greenland | Japan | 5-05 |
J.McQueen, P.Lee, I.Stajner, J.Huang, H.C.Huang, J.Kain | NOAA's National Air Quality Forecast Capability for Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter | US | 5-07 |
J.McQueen, B.Stunder, A.Stein, H.C.Huang, J.Kain | NWS HYSPLIT atmospheric transport and dispersion modeling | US | 5-09 |
G.S. Rivin, I.A. Rozinkina, R.M. Vilfand, E.D. Astakhova, D.V. Blinov, A.A. Kirsanov, E.V. Kuzmina, A.V. Olchev, G.V. Surkova, M.V. Shatunova, N.E. Chubarova, M.M.Chumakov, D.Yu. Alferov, A.Yu. Bundel, V.V. Kopeikin, M.A. Nikitin, A.A. Poliukhov, A.P. Revokatova, E.V. Tatarinovich, E.V. Churyulin | COSMO-Ru: operational mesoscale numerical weather prediction system of the Hydrometcenter of Russia. Current status and recent developments | Russia | 5-11 |
A. Wada, H. Tsuguti, H. Yamada | Formation and propagation of shield-like precipitation pattern in the Eastern China Sea remotely enhanced by Typhoon Nepartak (2016) simulated by an atmosphere-wave-ocean coupled model | Japan | 5-13 |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
C.F.Bastarz, J.P.Bonatti, L.F.Sapucci, S.N.Figueroa | Current status and future plans for the CPTEC global ensemble prediction system | Brazil | 6-03 |
Z.N. Begum | Investigation of Radiative Effects of Atmospheric and Dust Aerosols Using a Modified Global Spectral Model and Its Impact on the Atmospheric Environment and Climate | India | 6-05 |
M. Denhard, A. Rhodin, H. Frank, H. Anlauf, C. Primo, L. Kirchhuebel, M. Paulat, A. Fernandez del Rio, A. Cress, J. T. Ambadan, G. Z | The global ICON Ensemble | Germany | 6-07 |
I.I. Mokhov, A.V. Timazhev | Predictability of weather-climate anomalies in the North Eurasian regions during transitions from the La Niña conditions | Russian Federation | 6-09 |
R.Sekiguchi, Y.Adachi, T.Kanehama, Y.Kubo, K.Miyaoka, A.Nishimura, A.Shimpo, T.Yoshida | Verification of JMA's new GEPS for one-month prediction | Japan | 6-11 |
H.Yamaguchi, D.Hotta, T.Kanehama, K.Ochi, Y.Ota, R.Sekiguchi, A.Shimpo, T.Yoshida | Introduction to JMA's new Global Ensemble Prediction System | Japan | 6-13 |
H. Yonehara, R. Sekiguchi, T. Kanehama, K. Saitou, T. Kinami, A. Shimokobe, D. Hotta, R.Nagasawa, H. Sato, M. Ujiie, T. Kadowaki, S. Yabu, K. Yamada, M. Nakagawa, T. Tokuhiro | Upgrade of JMA's s operational global NWP system | Japan | 6-15 |
Author(s) | Paper title | Country | Pages |
S.Flampouris, M.Pondeca, J.Whiting, J.Carley, J.Alves, R.Yang, S.Levine | Hourly Analysis of Significant Wave Height by the UnRestricted Mesoscale Analysis System at NCEP | US | 8-03 |
Z.Garraffo, S.Paturi, J.Cummings, I.Rivin, T.Spindler, H.C.Kim, Y.Hao, A.Mehra | Loop Current in Gulf of Mexico Hindcasts at Different Resolutions | US | 8-05 |
H.C.Kim, C.Lozano, A.Mehra, Z.Garraffo | Comparisons of Two Biogeochemical Models Embedded in HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) Based Global Ocean Circulation Model | US | 8-07 |
H.C.Kim, J.Cummings, Z.Garraffo, A.Mehra, E.Bayler, S.Paturi | Assimilation of science-quality ocean color products from Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) into HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) | US | 8-09 |
V.Krasnopolsky, R.M.Campos, J.H.Alves, S.Penny | Nonlinear Wave Ensemble Averaging using Neural Networks | US | 8-11 |
S.Nadiga, V.Krasnopolsky, A.Mehra, E.Bayler, S.Paturi, Z.Garraffo, H.C.Kim, I.Rivin | Using a Neural Network Model Coupled to a Real-Time Ocean Forecast System for Short-Term Ocean Color Predictions | US | 8-13 |
B.S. Strukov, Yu.D. Resnyanskii | Annual and semiannual cyclicity of the upper ocean temperature from model simulations | Russia | 8-15 |
T. Shengquan, H. von Storch, C. Xueen | "Noise" generation in climatologically driven ocean models with different grid resolutions | People's Republic of China; Germany | 8-17 |